Crash Course Social Responsibility

Obtain the 'SVH Diploma Sociale Hygiëne' in 1 day!

Crash Course Social Responsibillity

Course duration

1 day (09.00 uur tot 18.00 uur)


5 x per year


SVH Exam Social Responsibility


'SVH Diploma Sociale Hygiëne'

Success rate

85% - 92%

Horeca cursus doel

Quality & high success rate

That is our goal! During the Crash Course Social Responsibility, we do everything we can to ensure that your employees take the SVH Social Responsibility exam with sufficient knowledge and self-confidence.

Our mission has been successful if your employees have obtained the 'SVH Diploma in Sociale Hygiëne' at once so that they can be added to your alcohol license.

Social Responsibility Crash Course

Nabespreking inhouse cursus

Get your alcohol license back in order quickly

We achieve high success rates with the Crash Course Social Responsibility. The success rate is between 85% and 92%. There is a high chance that your employees will pass the exam the first time and you can quickly add them to your Alcohol Permit.

Employees who do not pass the exam after taking this course are not (yet) sufficiently proficient in the English language, suffer from exam anxiety or have a lack of concentration during the exam.

Nabespreking inhouse cursus

Truly a 'crash course'

Everything happens in 1 day: The entire official SVH theory book Social Responsibility is discussed. Your employees learn everything they need to know to pass the SVH exam. At the end of the day, the SVH Social Hygiene exam will immediately take place at the same location. We recommend reading the teaching material before starting the course, but in practice we see that this often does not happen.
Nabespreking inhouse cursus

Don't like to study indepentently? 

The Crash Course Social Responsibility is ideally suited for employees who find it difficult to study independently. With this Crash Course Social Responsibility , your employees know 'on that day I have the course and the exam' and our trainer will guide your employees well for the subsequent and official SVH Social Hygiene exam. 

Nabespreking inhouse cursus


Our trainers are not boring teachers who 'teach' theory. They are very aware that catering employees prefer 'to do things' and that you should not come up with 'dry' theory material. The theoretical knowledge is transferred to your employees with many fun, funny and inspiring examples from practice. These examples are recognizable, which makes it much easier for the theory material to stick.
Nabespreking inhouse cursus

Valuable knowledge for your company

Your employees not only obtain the 'SVH Diploma in Social Hygiëne', they also gain knowledge that is valuable to your company. After following the training, they are more aware of a hospitality formula and its importance, they can get started with your house rules and they know how to sell 'No' in a professional manner to guests or how to start a conversation with a guest who violated the rules.

Nabespreking inhouse cursus

Carefree service

If you want your employees to participate in a Crash Course Social Responsibility, all you have to do is register them. Then we will take care of the rest! We invite your employees by email and post to the course day and the exam, send the teaching materials, remind them of the course and provide them with important exam information. We also ensure that they are registered for the SVH exam and send the SVH Diploma of Social Hygiëne by post.

Student experiences....

Was really a complete course. The prof was prepared and known very well the argument. The best way for pass the exam.

Luigi Castaldi

Very good course. Good pace and interesting information.

Marco De Azevedo Da Silva - Hotel Luxer

Amazing trainer Petra wilt excellent knowledge, communication skills and experience needed for SVH business.

Rishi - Tulip Restaurant B.V.

Convinced? Register your employee!


Social Responsibility Course


€ 649,50,-
€ 570,-
Cursus in het Engels
Including tuition fee, SVH textbook, location costs, unlimited online mock exams, SVH exam fees, KHN member discount, excl. VAT.

Need more information?



After receiving the registration, your employees will be invited to participate in the course on the same (working) day. They receive the SVH textbook Social Responsibility by post. We recommend that they read this book before starting the course.

Your employees will also receive a login code for our mock exams. With this database, consisting of 500+ Social Responsibility mock exam questions, they can test their knowledge prior to the course.

The costs for the SVH textbook Social Responsibility of €60* are included in the total costs.

* If your employees already have the official SVH textbook, these costs will of course not be charged.

Hoe lang duurt de cursus

Course duration

Your employees are expected at the course location between 8:45 AM and 9:00 AM so that the course can actually start at 9:00 AM.

The Crash course Social Responsibility consists of 1 day from 9:00 AM to 4:50 PM, followed by the SVH exam from 5:10 PM to 6:00 PM.

The tuition fee of €300 is included in the total costs.


Course topics

During the course, all important matters from the SVH theory book on Social Responsibility are discussed.

Course topics that will be covered (among others):

  • Dutch law 'Alcoholwet'
  • Alcohol consumption and alcohol abuse
  • Dealing with sexsual intimidation, aggression and violence by guests
  • Taking careof safety in the organisation

SVH exam

The SVH Sociale Responsibility exam takes place immediately after the course day from 5:10 PM to 6:00 PM. The exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions (A,B,C). Your employees have obtained the 'SVH Diploma in Sociale Hygiene' when they have answered at least 29 of the 40 questions correctly.

The SVH exam fee of € 195,- is included in the total costs.

Op welke locatie horecacursus

Course locations

The Crash course Social Hygiene is organized at 6 locations in the Netherlands. All course locations are hotels or conference centers where your employees are well looked after with coffee, tea, soft drinks and an extensive lunch buffet.

The locations costs of €60,- are included in the total costs.

Let your employees obtain the SVH Diploma!

If you register your employees today, you will receive an automatic confirmation in your email immediately after registration. Registrations will be processed immediately on working days between 9:00 AM and 5:30 PM.

We will be happy to work on the logistics and organization for you so that we can relieve you of your worries!